
1. What kind of alcohol do people take the most?

According to the WHO, 52% of Japanese drinks distilled alcohol, which is the most.
50% of the American drinks beer.

The rate differs between countries.

If you want to know further, please see the  World Health Organization report published in 2014.

or the Wikipedia

2. Why do people smoke, even if they want to stop?
The are 10 reasons why people smoke

1.Peer pressure   Influence by the friends is one of the biggest reasons of smoking.

2.Social rewards   Smoking in groups give smokers feel acceptance, which makes them feel relieved.

3.Risk-taking behavior   The warnings like ''no smoking'' and ''not for minors'' makes teenagers that are not accepted in the society feel thrills. The feeling that they are breaking many laws makes them feel thrill.

4.Parential influence   Children who has a smoking parent tends to start smoking. They don't realize the risks of smoking.

5.Misinformation  Many myths are in the society, like light tobaccos are less harmful than heavy ones. Which is not true.
6.Genetic predisposition   There is a smoking gene that makes non smoking person want to feel like smoking.

7.Advertising   In the 1990s there were catchy advertisements that encourage people to start smoking. Advertisemets has a big influence. It can stop people from smoking if it discourages people to.

8.Self Medication   People suffering from some forms of mental illness, such as depression or anxiety disorders, may take up smoking because it can help mitigate some of their symptoms.

9.Media influences   The media has a large influence. If an actor in the movie smokes in one scene, the viewer may get an cool image towards tobacco.

10.Stress relief   Smoking tobacco refrains stresses, so many people gets addicted to it.

These are the 10 reasons of why people start smoking and it is also why people can't stop smoking.

Quoted from How stuff works .com


Crazy Warning Labels

Here are some warning labels that we think are not necessary.

Can't we judge if it is dangerous or not by ourselves?

Yes we can!

These warning labels have purposes to prevent ligitation.


16. When did warning labels start?

17. Are there countries that warning labels are not recommended?

18. How effective are warning labels?

19. Does G.M foods need a warning label?

20. What else needs a warning label?

21. Why does cigarrettes have warning labels?

22.  Is it nessesary?

23. Why is the size of the label differebt between countries/states?

24. Should it be the same worldwide?

25. Isn't warning labels offensive to smoking population?

26. How should companies and government warn aside from warning labels?

27. Is the warning label used now the best way to warn people?

28. Would the effect of the warning label in Africa have the same effect in other countries?

29. How should we warn people in the low literacy rated countries?

30. Do we need warning labels?

Questions about warning labels

1. What kind of alcohol do people take the most?

2. Why do people smoke, even if they want to stop?

3. When do people want to smoke? Do they care about labels?

4. Where do people smoke?

5. What kind of warning labels are sold the most?

6. What is the purpose of the countries which make alcohol?

7. Which country has the main outport of alcohol?

8. What is the cause of the population growth of smoking?

9. When were warning labels first put?

10. Which country imports alcohol the most?

11. In which way has warning labels changed?

12. Had warning labels become a bigger problem compared to other social problems?

13. Will peoples' atitudes change if warning labels become more strict?

14. What should be done to warning labels to keep people safe?

15. What can we do individually to keep ourselves safe from products which have warning labels?