
16. When did warning labels start?

17. Are there countries that warning labels are not recommended?

18. How effective are warning labels?

19. Does G.M foods need a warning label?

20. What else needs a warning label?

21. Why does cigarrettes have warning labels?

22.  Is it nessesary?

23. Why is the size of the label differebt between countries/states?

24. Should it be the same worldwide?

25. Isn't warning labels offensive to smoking population?

26. How should companies and government warn aside from warning labels?

27. Is the warning label used now the best way to warn people?

28. Would the effect of the warning label in Africa have the same effect in other countries?

29. How should we warn people in the low literacy rated countries?

30. Do we need warning labels?

2 件のコメント:

  1. N.16 and No.18 questions are interest to me.

  2. These are a good set of questions.

    I'm especially interested in these three:

    "What else needs a warning label?"
    "Would the effect of the warning label in Africa have the same effect in other countries?"
    "Does G.M foods need a warning label?"

    I wonder if you believe there are some products that don't currently have a warning label in Japan, but should have one. In the States and the UK, alcoholic beverages have warning labels to warn women who are pregnant the dangers of drinking alcohol to their developing fetus. Do you think such a warning label should be used in Japan or is this just a matter of "common sense"?

    Your question about possible differences in the effectiveness of warning labels in various countries is interesting. There has probably been public health research that looks into this question. Research has been extensively conducted in the area of public health messages (e.g., PSAs) about HIV and how they're understood by various target groups. It might also be interesting to look how the content of warning labels on the same products differs from country to country.

    I notice that you haven't added any messages to your blog since June 5th. You are WAY BEHIND. If you check the blogs of your classmates you'll see that you've failed to do many (actually MOST) of the homework assignments. You need to catch up. There's not so much time left until the end of the semester.
